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MAIN SPACE / Yesterday’s Today, Tomorrow (as part of IMAGES Festival)


Curated by: Vikki Dziuma
Participating Artists: Susan Campbell, Aryen Hoekstra, Brianna Lowe, Aamna Muzaffar, Tyler Muzzin, Nickey Runham, Andrew Zealley   
March 30th – April 21st, 2012.  
Opening Reception: Friday, March 30th, 7-11pm

Yesterday’s Today, Tomorrow investigates impermanence and the recontextualization of art and history through digital media. The artists in this exhibition reference historical means of representation and delineate contemporary modes of interpretation in the information age. Each artist emphasizes the presence of historical documents and/or methodologies in art and culture through appropriation and process-based initiatives. The execution and representation of these subjects are unified by their ephemerality, exhibited through the contingent ambiguities of their content, physical properties, and separation from their historical context. Impermanence is perpetuated by technological developments in production as well as the various devices mediating such experiences. Yesterday’s Today, Tomorrowis both transient and contingent – a precarious affiliation with both yesterday and tomorrow.

WINDOW SPACE / 10 Second Objects


Participating artist: Nadia Belerique
March 30th – April 28th, 2012. Opening Reception: Friday, March 30th, 7-11pm

Using constructed and found images, Belerique aims to disclose and reveal photography’s ability to transform through work based on light and illusion.  She employs photographic tropes highlighting its construction and materiality over subject.  Her interest is primarily in the experience of a shifting perspective in the search for possible meanings. In the work 10 Second Objects Belerique bends over backwards to bridge the gap between ‘being’ and ‘performing’.

XBASE / Bending Over Backwards and Flogging A Dead Horse

Participating artist: Hannah Hilary Enke
March 30th –April 21st. Opening Reception: Friday, March 30th, 7-11pm

Over a period of two years Hannah Enkel has collected various items and observations while working as a house cleaner.  Taken from the vacuum bags of the houses Hannah Enkel cleans at, this project is a collection of those contents. Enkel has created an archive: contained, dated and labelled with descriptive observations of situations involving the stranger’s belongings seen at these houses. Cleaning houses has given her the opportunity to  inhabit stranger’s intimate spaces and form opinions about them from the things that they own, as well as their (often strange) habits. Collecting both observations and debris that is obviously unwanted; (fallen food, dust, hair etc.) and placing them in the same container, highlights Enkel’s seemingly invisible role within private spaces that have been made public through her presence.