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@ The Power Plant

The Power Plant Gallery is presenting two exhibits from December through till March 14, 2012.

Coming After is a collaborative exhibit featuring both local and international artists. The works focus on queer time.
Entertainment: Selections from Midcentury Studio features the works of artist Stan Douglas

Coming After:
“Featuring artists from New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Toronto, and beyond, Coming After is a response to the recent renewal of interest in the period from the mid-1980s to early 1990s that was decisive for North American cultural politics. This time period witnessed the (first of many) Culture Wars, the birth of “queer” as an identity and theory, and the rise of a direct-action AIDS activist movement — epitomized by ACT UP — fighting a new plague that was devastating communities of artists, queers and people of colour. While these years were highly traumatic, they also represented a galvanizing, dynamic moment for queer citizenship — one that is arguably haunting our present and our future.”

Entertainment: Selections from Midcentury Studio:
“Negotiating their hope and despair about the present and future of our world in complex and compelling ways, the artists in Coming After share a sense of themselves as part of queer genealogies and cultural lineages, with influence and affinity moving across time and space.”