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Relief Needed

Xenia Benivolski is heading a relief strategy in response to the STATE OF EMERGENCY at Ontario reserve of Attawapiskat. XPACE will host a collections assembly of donations to be sent to residents in need on the reserve.

Air Creebec and True North Aid have donated transport to the site.

More information regarding this can be found here and here.

We can ship anything so anything from the following list will be helpful:
-non-perishable food.
-clean blankets, preferably new
-winter sports equipment
-board games
-clean clothing
-children toys
-boxes: if you bring something, bring a box with it for shipping!
-medical supplies, first aid supplies
-electric heaters

The collections assembly will occur on Sunday December 3rd and Monday Dec. 4th. Contributions can be dropped off between 10am and 4pm.

Thank you for your support.