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Michael Abraham’s Transformation of XPACE

toronto, Canada
Mixed-media artist / fabricator currently enrolled at OCAD University. Contact:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Get Slanty

Framing almost done. . . laying down the OSB.

Slanted floor I designed and built for Amy Lam and Jon McCurley. Aproximatly 28′ x 21′ with a 4º slant, this installation spans most of the main space of Xpace Cultural Centre at 58 Ossington Ave. Built as the foundation for a film set, as well as a month long collective art thing involving several different artists in three phases. Each group will react to the space and the work of the previous artists, reinterpreting what is left behind to suit their needs, and altering it in whatever way they see fit. . . Thanks to Seth, Courtney, Filip and Luke, who helped out big time.

Posted by Michael Abraham at 8:45 PM 0 comments

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