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Call for Submissions: CONTACT 2012 Portfolio Reviews

Sunday May 6 & Monday May 7
Hosted by The Gladstone Hotel

Registration deadline is April 15, 2012

The Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival is now accepting submissions from artists with well-developed projects to participate in the 2012 Portfolio Reviews.

Curators, gallery directors, art dealers, publishers and photo editors are brought together for two days during CONTACT to do portfolio reviews for established and emerging artists, with a focus on documentary, photojournalism or photo-based art practices.

This is an important event for artists with projects at advanced stages of development who are seeking opportunities for publishing and exhibiting their work nationally or internationally—as well as for those looking for guidance on conceptual approaches or career development advice. The registration fee is $200 for four reviews.

Portfolio Reviews Exhibition Award
One artist will be awarded a solo exhibition presented at the CONTACT Gallery. The award, chosen by an international jury of professionals in the field of photography, recognizes the most outstanding work presented at CONTACT’s annual Portfolio Reviews.

A special thank you to The Gladstone Hotel, Toronto Image Works, Vistek and the Ontario Arts Council. This program was created to support and advance the careers of talented artists and photographers.

For further information contact