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Artist Statement Workshop @ XPACE

When: Saturday, February 4, 2012, 1:00pm until 5:00pm
Where: XPACE Cultural Centre, 58 Ossington Ave, Toronto.



According to Wikipdia, an Artist Statement is…
‘a text composed by an artist and intended to explain, justify, extend, and/or contextualize his or her body of work.’

But WHAT exactly makes a good or bad artist statement? And how does one write an artist statement in such a way that ANYONE, yes, even your mother, can understand what your work is about?

XPACE intends to show you exactly how to do this. We will have both good and bad statements, written by artists we have worked with, to give specific examples of common mistakes and pitfalls almost all artists make. Remember, writing an artist statement doesn’t have to be an awful experience of watching a blinking cursor in an empty document. Writing about your work in an appropriate and concise way is an invaluable skill to have!