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July 27- September 1, 2012

Curated By:
Stefan Hancherow

These books anthologize place and time. They recount histories of ownership, participation, teaching and dissemination.

Greg Curnoe’s Deeds/Abstracts: The History of a London Lot 1 archives the history of 38
Weston Street, a plot of land in London, Ontario that Curnoe and his family occupied since 1968. The
research is compiled of deeds, pieces of paper that award ownership, by which land had been taken
away from its First Nations inhabitants. Craig Leonard’s Artists in Artist-Run Centres 2 is organized
into an alphabetical spreadsheet, listing exhibiting artists in Ontario artist-run centres from the 1971 to

James Fenton’s School of Genius: a History of the Royal Academy of Arts 3 provides
an “outside” perspective of the institution as a museum and an art school. Established in 1768, it
is one of the earliest art institutions on record. Garry Neill Kennedy’s recount of education in the
conceptual era, The Last Art College: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1968-1978 4 documents
the decade when the institution received worldwide acclaim. In the summer of 1977, a group of
Icelandic and international artists studying at Icelandic College of Art and Handicraft conceived the
country’s first artist-run centre. Nýlistasafnið/The Living Art Museum: 1978 -2008 5 documents thirty
years of exhibitions, ephemera, board members, and location changes at the organization. The final
selection is a USB stick containing a PDF version of a blog. Post-Internet: Notes on the Internet
and Art 12.29.09>09.05.10 6 was started in 2009 by artist and critic Gene McHugh. Arranged in
chronological order with no visuals or subject headings, ends in September 2010. The
blog is a recent archive of ideas, artists and interviews that define the “post-internet” art movement.

My intention for this collection of publications is for any reader to enter any book at any
point. One may flip through for a minute or two, maybe read a section and then move on into XPACE
gallery to take in concurrent exhibitions or events.

1 Curnoe, Greg. 1995. Deeds/Abstracts: The History of a London Lot. ed. Davey, Frank. London, Ontario: Brick Books.
2 Leonard, Craig. 2006. Artists in Artist-Run Centres. Roboutique Press.
3 Fenton, James. 2006. School of Genius: A History of the Royal Academy of Arts. London, United Kingdom: Royal
Academy Books.
4 Kennedy, Garry, Neill. 2012. The Last Art College: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1968-1978. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press.
5 Nýlistasafnið/The Living Art Museum: 1978 -2008. 2010. Ed. Guðmundsdøttir, Tinna. Reykjavík, Iceland.
6 McHugh, Gene. 2011. Post-Internet: Notes on the Internet and Art 12.29.09>09.05.10. Brescia, Italy: LINK Editions.