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Unvanishing Traces curated by Sanjit Dhillon and Vince Rozario

Mikayla de Bruyn, Megan Feheley, Ashley Freeby, Aaron Moore, Maanii Oakes and Ayo Tsalithaba

October 26, 2018

Essay by Vince Rozario and Sanjit Dhillon

October 26 – December 1st, 2018

Opening Reception: Friday, October 26, 7-10 pm

Unvanishing Traces is a group exhibition that grapples with the paradox of remembering the dead, particularly marginalized bodies, when existing cultural forms threaten to betray their memory. The missing and the murdered individuals who populate our headlines each day bear poignant witness to contemporary media practices of spectacularizing tragedy. In death their bodies are trivialised, sentimentalised, mystified, embellished and instrumentalized. For communities left behind, collective memory and consciousness are continually contested by socio-political narratives predicting which bodies do and do not matter. This exhibition seeks to inhabit the conflicted space between traces of the departed that refuse to vanish, and the representative regime which flattens, serializes, or otherwise erases precarious bodies.