Preserving the Past
Allana Cooper
September 7, 2018 - October 13, 2018
Essay by Kate Kolberg
Opening Reception: Friday, September 7, 7-11 pm
September 7, 2018 - October 13, 2018
Opening Reception: Friday, September 7, 7-11 pm
September 7-October 13, 2018
Opening Reception: Friday, September 7, 7-11 pm
Allana Cooper
Download Essay by Kate Kolberg
Preserving the Past is an exhibition that explores the hybridity of analog and digital art-making, while also reflecting on preservation and the interminable amount of ways this relationship exists within digital platforms and human life. This conversation is manifested through the use of a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional media; wax medium encapsulates found objects, concealing their rust and decay and through the use of a flatbed scanner, Cooper preserves these objects again by re-capturing them in flattened forms.
Through an awareness of our material world, the visualization of accumulation, archival impulse, the fasciation of our human connection with objects and digital technology, our current digital age and modern is explored.
This exhibition was created during Xpace’s summer residency for recent OCAD University graduates.
Documentation by Polina Teif