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A Whole New World

Jamiyla Lowe

November 3, 2017 - December 9, 2017

Essay by Theresa Slater

Opening Reception: Friday, November 3rd, 7-10pm

Jamiyla Lowe


November 3 – December 9, 2017

Opening Reception: Friday, November 3rd, 7-10pm

Jamiyla Lowe

Download Essay by Theresa Slater

Jamiyla Lowe is an illustrative artist who attended the Ontario College of Art and Design, concentrating on drawing and screen printing. Her first solo exhibition A Whole New World centres around five fictionalized civilizations who inhabit a nightmarish fantasy world. The inhabitants experience joy, lust, indifference, and uncertainty while trying to ensure their survival in their own distinctive environments.

Lowe is a grant recipient holder from Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts. 

The artist acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council for this exhibition.




Documentation by Yuula Benivolski