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Where is home? curated by Zviko Mhakayakora

Jessica Gaba, Karina Iskandarsjah, Zana Kozomora, Annie Patiño-Marin, Maxim Vlassenko

January 6, 2017 - February 4, 2017

Essay by Zviko Mhakayakora

Curated by Zviko Mhakayakora

Jessica Gaba, Karina Iskandarsjah, Zana Kozomora, Annie Patiño-Marin, Maxim Vlassenko

January 6 – February 4, 2017

Opening Reception: Friday, January 6, 7-10pm

Where Is Home? features 5 artists and designers who explore various notions of home. As a grouping, the works highlight themes of identity, reclamation, surveillance, ancestry, survival strategies, the intimacy of home, fear of discrimination, culture and tradition. This exhibition explores the different influences that shape the concept of home when immigration and other factors are considered.

The overarching purpose of having an exhibition such as this is to explore the multiplicities that exist within notions of home. Colonization has had a huge influence on the ways that we as individuals view home. With this in mind, how then can contemporary design and art be used as a tool for reclamation and decolonization of the concept of home?

Where is home? is part of the Toronto Design Offsite Festival 2017

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Image: Jessica Gaba, Zakono (installation view)