States of Being
Adria Mirabelli and Yana Verba
June 24, 2016 - August 12, 2016
Essay by Victoria Mohr-Blakeney
Opening Reception: Friday, June 24th, 7-10pm
Adria Mirabelli, Yana Verba
June 24, 2016 - August 12, 2016
Opening Reception: Friday, June 24th, 7-10pm
Adria Mirabelli, Yana Verba
June 24th – August 12th, 2016
Opening Reception: Friday, June 24th, 7-10pm
Adria Mirabelli, Yana Verba
Download Essay by Victoria Mohr-Blakeney
In the realm of the window display, impressions of absence and presence are felt at once. Glass separates the viewer from the world created inside, and what follows is a sense of vacancy – time is at a stand still. A feeling of longing follows, longing to enter, and longing to acquire what sits inside. States of Being pulls from various places in time – referencing personal archives and specific art historical moments. Through the process of collecting, preserving and manipulating, these histories become distorted and are reimagined in the present. Cloth is an emotive material, simultaneously representing movement and stillness, emptiness and fullness. In this installation, moments in time and relationships that are no longer accessible are given space to exist.
Documentation by Yuula Benivolski