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Part of the Faculty of Design Speaker Series:

Renown architect and designer Neri Oxman is Assistant Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab. As director of the Mediated Matter research group, she explores how digital design and fabrication technologies mediate between matter and environment to radically transform the design and construction of objects, buildings, and systems. OCAD University welcomes Oxman to discuss how we can contribute to human and environmental good by learning about material and design from nature. Neri Oxman speaks at OCAD U as part of The Faculty of Design Speaker Series, which is generously supported by TD Financial Group.

Thursday Mar 24, 2011— 6:30pm

OCAD University – – -100 McCaul Street. Take TTC to St. Patrick Station and travel west two blocks along Dundas Street West. Head south on McCaul Street to the University. For more information contact: Sarah Mulholland    416-977-6000, x327

Admission is Free

