Body’s in Trouble
Vida Beyer
June 25, 2015 - July 18, 2015
June 25th-July 18th, 2015
Artist Involved:
Vida Beyer
Body’s in Trouble is a mixed media installation which invites the viewer to enter the artists’ psychic state as a tactile and potentially inhabitable environment.
The project space is furnished with larger than life objects, drawn images and text sourced from “new-age” culture, pop lyrics, as well screen grabs from films, television, private online messages and internet artifacts from both the past and present.
The resulting environment is a space that is a psychical manifestation of crisis and an exploration of a series of questions:
How do you cope when “self-care” tactics feel bogus?
How do you cope with feeling disconnected with any kind of “community”?
How do you know where the internet ends and your psychic self begins?
What do you do when you wish you could live in an incognito tab?
Why can’t you change your settings to “friends only” “ IRL”?
Can “call-out culture” be a site of desire and how problematic is it to wonder if it is?
Who do you talk to when your body’s in trouble?