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Recess curated by Jaycee Tu

Rowena Katigbak, Eric Oh, Lina Wu, Yuma Yanagisawa, Cristine Yunyk.

April 12, 2019 - May 11, 2019

Essay by Jaycee Tu

Opening Reception: Friday, April  12,
7-10 pm

Rowena Katigbak, Eric Oh, Lina Wu, Yuma Yanagisawa, Cristine Yunyk.

Curated by Jaycee Tu

April 12 – May 11 2019

Opening Reception: Friday, April  12,
7-10 pm

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As a child in school, a typical day often revolves around recess hour- a time for playing games, sports or make-believe with friends. Recess is a multidisciplinary group exhibition investigating the ways in which play can strengthen community. Many of the works in this exhibition blur the division between the artist and the visitor, encouraging collaboration and fostering human connection. Exploring the significance of participation, improvisation, rebellion and playfulness- Recess invites visitors to become collaborators in the creation of a shared play experience.