Festival days are Mythical; all other days are Historical
Marina Fathalla & Sandy Saad
February 23, 2018 - March 24, 2018
Essay by Sandy Saad
Opening Reception: Friday, February 23rd, 7-10pm
February 23, 2018 - March 24, 2018
Opening Reception: Friday, February 23rd, 7-10pm
February 23rd- March 24th, 2018
Opening Reception: Friday, February 23rd, 7-10pm
Marina Fathalla & Sandy Saad
Festival days are Mythical; all other days are Historical explores the ways that landscape is imagined, interpreted and commoditized in Egypt. The installation looks at the nuanced value of land through the lens of colonization, tourism and the history of Agrarian Land Reform. A series of speculative and indexical repositories of flora and hotels explore the possibilities of museological definitions. In what ways can the museum serve as a platform for collective commemoration as opposed to a static, formulated and objective collection of information? This collaborative project features a new installation by Marina Fathalla and is curated by Sandy Saad.
Archival objects are sourced from St Mark’s Coptic Museum, Scarborough Ontario.
Documentation by Roya DelSol