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Soft Armour

Erin Rei

January 12, 2018 - February 16, 2018

Essay by Rowan Lynch

Opening Reception: Friday, January 12, 7-10pm

January 12 – February 16, 2018

Opening Reception: Friday, January 12, 7-10pm

Erin Rei

Download Essay by Rowan Lynch

Softness is not equal to weakness. The acts of being open, receptive, actively empathetic and performing emotional labour are acts of strength. They require strength and can also cultivate it. Soft Armour is neither infallible nor impermeable. It is created over time, it takes damage, is regenerated and altered.

Soft Armour
 is the acknowledgment of potential power and durability but also the inherent vulnerability in softness. It is the acceptance of vulnerability being a potentially powerful act.

The artistic representation of this armour is organic and plantlike. It responds to its environment. It needs maintenance. Portions fall away, die and are regrown.

Documentation by Yuula Benivolski