Ha ha wall
Erika Verhagen
January 17, 2020 - February 22, 2020
Essay by Lucy Pauker
Opening Reception: Friday, January 17, 7-10 pm
January 17, 2020 - February 22, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, January 17, 7-10 pm
January 17 – February 22, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, January 17, 7-10 pm
Erika Verhagen
A glass, knocked off your bedside table falls onto your hardwoods and your downstairs neighbour retaliates with a broom handle to his ceiling. The glass falls onto your area rug and you pick out the pieces by hand for an hour.
Named for the 18th century wall, designed to both preserve the sightline of pastoral farmland and to minimize the interruption of unwanted visitors, Ha ha wall is an installation that explores the tactile and sonic experience of living spaces through rug-making. Your rug hushes your anxious pacing footsteps, a quiet conversation through a door with a roommate. It preserves the cherished silence of your living space, minimizes the unwanted intrusions of the outside world.
Ha ha wall is presented as part of DesignTO 2020.