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BUMP Television, This Could Be You

May 29, 2020 - July 16, 2020

Essay by James Knott

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BUMP Television

May 29 – July 16, 2020

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BUMP Television

Download Essay by James Knott

“This Could Be You” is an interactive video project by the collective BUMP TV. Inspired by the iconic Speaker’s Corner, “This Could Be You” channels the campy spirit of DIY video culture into a celebration of video-based communication. The project operates as a community run soapbox: members of the public are invited to record short videos (90s max) which will circulate on “This Could Be You”s web player. Conversation topics can take any form: open mic, show and tell, missed connections, quarantine dreams, recipes, rants– no experience is needed, just hit record. BUMP TV board members will be screening submissions to ensure community guidelines are followed.

At the end of the project, BUMP TV will assemble a compilation of their favourite segments, to live on Xpace’s External Space Vimeo account.