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#altMFG pop-up SHOP

May 10, 2016 - May 14, 2016

Party + Pop-up Shop: Friday, May 13, 7-10pm

May 10-14, 2016

Party + Pop-up Shop: Friday, May 13, 7-10pm

From May 10-14, Xpace hosts a week-long pop-up shop and exhibit of diverse products designed by high school students from a variety of Toronto District School Board Alternative School maker programs. Products like tees and other forms of sewn apparel, mix tapes, zines, posters and skateboards will be for sale throughout the week.

Come meet all the artists and designers on Friday, May 13 from 7-10pm. Come out and support Toronto youth to develop transferable creative and entrepreneurial skills!

Design / Manufacture / Distribute

altMFG exists to transform youth from consumers into producers. Guild members of altMFG are public alternative school programs populated by student makers. We support youth to create their own culture and support them to design, produce and retail their products in public and professional contexts.

Members of the altMFG guild manufacture:
· high quality youth work
· stereotype challenging content
· work that embodies social justice values
· authentic opportunities for community connection
· partnerships with community and professional organizations
· high profile opportunities to share student maker work with the public
· student success

Active members of the altMFG guild:
· The Westenders (West End Alternative School)
· Sweatshop (West End Alternative School)
· ReelLit (West End Alternative School)
· Sound Messages (West End Alternative School)
· Oasis Skateboard Factory (Oasis Alternative School)
· Screenprinting Studio (East York Alternative)