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A Chemical Love Story

Arma Yari

November 6, 2015 - December 12, 2015

Essay by Joshua Chong

Opening Reception: Friday, November 6th, 7-10pm

November 6th – December 12th, 2015

Opening Reception: Friday, November 6th, 7-10pm

Arma Yari

Download Essay by Joshua Chong

Arma Yari’s A Chemical Love Story explores a world beyond the range of humdrum senses and exposes a glimpse of the transcendental reality produced by the effects of psychedelic compounds. Made up of a series of sculptural works, involving LED and neon lights, infinite reflections, and repetitive patterns, the exhibition suggests that there is more to the psychedelic experience than cosmic images and perceptual distortions.

Documentation by Yuula Benivolski