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Hello ! new year, new stuff !

Hey Internet, I’m Jazmine Carr and I will be your new Blog Coordinator at Xpace Cultural Centre this year. I will be posting a variety of blog posts related to art shows, job postings, calls for submission, artist interviews and talks, workshops and upcoming need-to-see shows. So, obviously, really important stuff.  I will be working

Grants for Curators!

If you are thinking about becoming an independent curator, you might be wondering what grants are available to support the kind of work that you want to do. Not all curators work for an institution, and it is just as important for those with independent practices to find resources so that they can afford to

$ummary on how to get money

We just had a grant writing workshop with Peter Kingstone from the Toronto Arts Council. For those of you who weren’t able to join us in person, here are some tips that we gleaned from the workshop. Peter is super approachable and always willing to sit down and talk to you about your in progress

<3 Emerging Artists <3

Blog TO recently listed Xpace as one of the best contemporary art galleries for emerging artists in Toronto! Obviously we are quite pleased to have made the list, but it also started us thinking about what makes a good gallery for emerging artists. Of course someone who is looking for opportunities to commercially sell their

Pay Your Interns

Working in the arts means that you get asked to work for free a lot. There are a ton of jobs that are posted promising experience in exchange for your hard work. While it may seem like an unpaid internship is a right of passage that everyone has to take, you should know your rights

Proposal Perplexity

For many emerging artists, figuring out how to get your work into a gallery or exhibition is an important first step for building your artistic career.  Most galleries have a specific process for applying for an exhibition.  It is always important to take the time to look for the proper submission process first before contacting

Island Times

    On Monday we went to Toronto Island to visit our Xpace summer residents at Artscape Gibraltar Point. We met up with artists in residence Danica Drago, and Hudson Christie  and writer in residence Jonathan Lockyer in their studio space. The two week long residency on the island started on August 1st. The trio will

Welcome Brette Gabel!

Photo by: Sarah Bodri Hello Xpace, My name is Brette Gabel, I am the new Programming Coordinator here at Xpace and I am delighted to be taking the position. I just completed my MFA from OCADU in the Interdisciplinary Program. My art practice is primarily based in textiles and “craft”. I am most interested in


By Humboldt Magnussen Hello Internet, as you know all good things must come to an end and therefore this is my last blog post that I will be writing for Xpace Cultural Centre. But don’t worry this will not be my last blog of my lifetime. As a goodbye I feel like I should summarize

Event Listings, Call for Submissions, Jobs