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Hey, this is Aisha, and I’m the newest addition to the XPACE team. I’m a second year, full-time student, majoring in Criticism and Curatorial Practice at OCAD University. I will be blogging for XPACE throughout the week-starting now. Best,

Xeroxr Awarded FEAST Toronto Student Grant

reblogged from ** February 13th, 2011 § Leave a Comment photo by: Sarah Beck note: This post has taken way too long to put up because of all of the crazy things happening recently but this is long overdue. Sorry for the delay! “FEAST (Funding Emerging Artists with Sustainable Tactics) is a community dinner

THIS WEEK (Feb14-20)

Made in US | Tibi Tibi Neuspiel and Sara Cwynar @ 107 Shaw. Feb 18, 7:00pm Manifest Destiny | Liam Wylie and Jillian Ross @ Butcher Gallery. Feb 18, 7:00pm See you at both!


THIS WEEK: MANIFESTO @ 107 Shaw, Jan. 20th, 7pm. 15 artists share their declarations, intentions and plans for the future. Old is the New New @ Triangle Gallery, Jan. 20th, 7pm. A one-night-only show featuring work by Liam Wylie and Jillian Kay Ross. Who I Think I am | Ron Terada @ Justina M. Barnicke

Continuum Concert Series: Some Hot Picks for The OCADU Project

by Edison Osorio This edition of the Continuum concert series brings the taste and critical as well as creative abilities of a group of visual thinkers into the realm of musical performance. The organizers of the program have kindly asked Charles Reeve’s 4th year Art Writing class to select a group of five songs from

IMAGES FESTIVAL: Call For Artistic Proposals And Submissions

Call For Artistic Proposals And Submissions DEADLINE: Deadline: January 25th, 2011 Open call: Undergraduate and Graduate student artists working in and responding to forms of media. XPACE/IMAGES festival is seeking proposals from student artists working in and with media art. The term “media art” is deliberately broad and elusive, lacking commitment, but suggesting an alliance