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For those who missed it, GRUNGE TEXTURE was a multi-disciplinary event centred around the aesthetic phenomena of rough, weathered and worn surfaces as a virtual effect:,mod=4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=grunge+texture Grunge textures are both an aesthetic design motif, and a social dialogue, stemming from the Seattle music craze of the 1990’s,mod=4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=grunge+texture#hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFA_enCA484CA486&sclient=psy-ab&q=grunge+&oq=grunge+&gs_l=serp.3..0i9l2j0l2.182055.182991.0.183696.…0.0.bgjCBRWGjuA&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e93bef4ec5a768cd&biw=998&bih=508 (think Nirvana, et al.), continuing within the contemporary inclusion

Upcoming at XPACE

Window Space The Beat And The Chorus At The Same Time Artist: Hanna Hur July 13th- August 3rd Closing Reception: July 27th, 2012 The Beat And The Chorus At The Same Time asks the question “how do we see?” questioning assumptions about perception through a constructed layering within both images and space.  The title references

Syracuse SPARK Residency show

Adrienne and Ursula will be showing work they’ve created during their residency at SPARK contemporary. It will take place at SPARK from 7pm to 11pm on the evening of Saturday, July 7th. It’s called ‘There’s Something In The Woodwork.’ Wish we could be there!

XPACE visits Syracuse!

Hey all, So last week Amber and myself (Alicia) went down the booming metropolis of Syracuse, NY to visit our current artists-in-residence at SPARK Contemporary. Ursula Handleigh is a recent graduate from the Photography program at OCADU, and Adrienne Crossman is also a recent graduate from OCADU, of the Integrated media program. Syracuse was originally

Syracuse SPARK Residency

 An update from Ursula Handleigh…. Day 10 So now that we’re all settled into this historic house, I’ve been experimenting with old photographic techniques. Inspired by the large victorian windows of the house, I’ve been creating photograms of the drapery and architectural details. I’ve also been making anthotypes for the first time, using wild flowers

SPARK Residency update!

Hey all! We’re very excited here at XPACE about our second annual SPARK Residency in Syracuse. We just sent two promising OCADU grads, Ursula Handleigh and Adrienne Crossman, for just over three weeks. They are going to be keeping us updated on what’s happening in Syracuse and all the exciting stuff they are working on.


▀▄▀▄▀▄ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ XPACE Cultural Centre 58 Ossington Avenue Friday, July 6th 7pm Please join us for a night of video works and live performances! Fake grunge textures have been stubbornly present in design for the past twenty years. From CD covers to corporate websites to music videos, they’re ubiquitous. People apply these textures in digital work

~COCKY NIGHT IN CANADA~ drag karaoke!!!

XPACE presents…. OHH CANADA we’re back! Celebrating the hot fusion of Pride and Canada Day, Georgie Bronze and Fab’Angelo invite you to drag your ass out to karaoke! Kick off your shoes and climb into your favorite celebrity skin! Sing your favorites but remember CanCon picks will put you in the running for top ribbon

Opening Reception Friday, June 7th! 7pm

Please join us for an Opening Reception in all three of our spaces! There will be snacks, drinks, laughs, and artists present.  7pm -11pm XPACE Cultural Centre 58 Ossington Ave Toronto, ON  ~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~~*&*~ WINDOW SPACE Artist: Tonya Corkey Title: “Your Friend, Freddie” “Your Friend, Freddie” investigates the role that the photograph’s referent plays in memory

"Ye$ We ¢an! raise money for XPACE" a Silent Art Auction, featuring CN Tower Liquidation!

Friday, June 1st, 2012 Doors open at 6:30pm Auction closes at 10pm Tickets are available in advance at XPACE Cultural Centre for $20 each. Tickets include complimentary drinks and appetizers only buffet! Please join us for “Ye$ We ¢an! raise money for XPACE” a Silent Art Auction, featuring CN Tower Liquidation. They present for you… STILL BOYZ