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XPACE Summer Resident – Mason Mummery

Mason Mummery is a Sculpture / Installation grad from OCAD U whose sense of humour is reflected in his caricature-like sculptures and drawings.  I sat down with Mason and asked him a few questions while he worked on his art slingshot here at XPACE. Jessica Cappuccitti:  When did you first become interested in sculpture?  

Papermaking Workshop ~~~with Elija Montgomery

XPACE Cultural Centre 58 Ossington Avenue Saturday, August 18th 1- 5pm An Introduction to making paper! Papermaking is simple and fun. This workshop will introduce you to the papermaking process- how you can make your own (recycled) paper using accessible and household equipment. be Great for all ages! (anyone under the age of 12 should

XPACE Summer Residency & The Beat and the Chorus at the Same Time – CLOSING RECEPTION

The XPACE Summer Residency came to an end this past Friday July 27th.  After a month of hard work our Residents got to show off what they created during their time here at XPACE.   Krystina Plante’s deeply personal work, Missing Links regarding her broken family tree is beautiful and haunting.  Lee Aaron Wiesblatt Let’s Hope We Don’t

XPACE Summer Resident – Lee Aaron Wiesblatt

Recently I had the privilege to sit down with one of our XPACE Summer Residents to ask a few questions about his practice and the work he is doing here at XPACE.  Lee Aaron Wiesblatt, a recent graduate of OCADU’s Printmaking program describes himself as a 27 year old emerging artist.  Previously at OCADU he studied Drawing and Painting,

Thematic Residency on Toronto Island!

THEMATIC RESIDENCY PROGRAM AT ARTSCAPE GIBRALTAR POINTSoi Fischer is pleased to announce the establishment of the Thematic Residency Program at Artscape Gibraltar Point in Toronto, Canada. As part of its mandate to make international contemporary art accessible to a wider public, Soi Fischer is debuting its Education and Public Programming at Artscape Gibraltar Point, which

The Reading Nook

The Reading Nook  A Show of Zines, Artist Books and Multiples Narwhal Art Projects 2988 Dundas Street West Opening reception Friday, August 3rd, 7-11pm show runs August 3rd to August 19th, 2012 ~*~campfire in the back~*~ Curated by Alicia Nauta and Kristin Weckworth Work by: Alex Heilbron, Alexandra Mackenzie, Alicia Nauta, Andrew Bailey, Anna May


Me!  Jessica Cappuccitti, the new coordinator for XBLOG.  I am currently a grad student at OCADU in the Contemporary Art, Design and New Media Art Histories (CADN) Program.  My academic focus is on contemporary artistic practices and I am currently researching art created by female US military veterans.  I am thrilled to join the XPACE team


GRUNGE TEXTURE was a one night event hosted by XPACE on July 6th, featuring over 30 original grungey videos made by artists, designers and grunge enthusiasts, dj sets by DJs DAVID P & SAFA J, and live music performances by BILL BILL and SEXY MERLIN.Special thanks to curator Steph Davidson for all of her hard, grunge textured


For those who missed it, GRUNGE TEXTURE was a multi-disciplinary event centred around the aesthetic phenomena of rough, weathered and worn surfaces as a virtual effect:,mod=4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=grunge+texture Grunge textures are both an aesthetic design motif, and a social dialogue, stemming from the Seattle music craze of the 1990’s,mod=4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=grunge+texture#hl=en&rlz=1C1CHFA_enCA484CA486&sclient=psy-ab&q=grunge+&oq=grunge+&gs_l=serp.3..0i9l2j0l2.182055.182991.0.183696.…0.0.bgjCBRWGjuA&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e93bef4ec5a768cd&biw=998&bih=508 (think Nirvana, et al.), continuing within the contemporary inclusion

Upcoming at XPACE

Window Space The Beat And The Chorus At The Same Time Artist: Hanna Hur July 13th- August 3rd Closing Reception: July 27th, 2012 The Beat And The Chorus At The Same Time asks the question “how do we see?” questioning assumptions about perception through a constructed layering within both images and space.  The title references