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Avalon Mott

Happy Holidays from Xpace :)

What a year, friends! Here at Xpace, we began the decade by saying goodbye to Emily Gove, and thanking her for doing so much during her time as Director: from securing permanent staff positions and advocating for equitable pay and increased opportunities and resources for QTIBPOC emerging and student artists, to many other accomplishments during

We’re making some changes!

Hi friends! In response to the rising numbers of COVID-19, we are implementing a couple of changes at Xpace. Our current round of exhibitions closed a couple of days early, to give our team the chance to regroup and figure out next steps. We know some of you were really looking forward to seeing these

Xpace is reopening!

After nearly five months of closure, a bit of stress and a lot of love, we’re very excited to reopen the gallery to the public on Tuesday, September 8th! Gallery Hours : Tuesday – Saturday (12 – 6 PM) Gallery visits will be by appointment only, to prioritize the health and safety of staff, visitors

Xpace – COVID-19 May 2020 Update

Dear Xpace community, Xpace will remain closed for the month of May 2020. We’re putting all our energy into rescheduling postponed exhibitions and shifting programming around to adapt to the current circumstances – both virtually and IRL. It’s a slow process. Much slower than we are used to working through as a small artist-run centre

Xpace COVID-19 April 2020 Update

Dear friends of Xpace,  A couple of updates on our end, as we continue to follow the guidance of Canadian public health authorities to protect the health and safety of our staff and community: Xpace Cultural Centre will remain closed until Tuesday, April 28th and all onsite exhibitions and events have been put on hold.

Xpace COVID-19 Response

Dear friends of Xpace,  In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are actively following the guidance of Canadian public health authorities to protect the health and safety of our staff and community.  Following recommendations from the Department of Health Canada, spring programming at Xpace Cultural Centre has been postponed until further notice.  Xpace will remain