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By Humboldt Magnussen Hello Internet, as you know all good things must come to an end and therefore this is my last blog post that I will be writing for Xpace Cultural Centre. But don’t worry this will not be my last blog of my lifetime. As a goodbye I feel like I should summarize

Event Listings, Call for Submissions, Jobs

Art Art Art Art

By Humboldt Magnussen The Images Festival, which is an international festival of experimental and independent moving images that takes place in Toronto from April 10th to 19th, is currently in full swing. Take a look at the program because there are tones of awesome events, films, and talks still going on.  This last Friday at Xpace

Upcoming Events & Call For Submissions

Art and Family

By Humboldt Magnussen I recently got a text from my little sister asking, “How did your thingy go?” The “thingy” she is referring to is my Masters of Fine Arts Thesis exhibition that concluded a week ago. But by calling it a “thingy” it made it sound like just another day, not something I worked

Upcoming Events, Call for Submissions, Jobs.

Oh The Places You Will Go

By Humboldt Magnussen At Xpace Cultural Centre there is a large bookshelf that contains hundreds of issues of art magazines collected over the years. This afternoon while trying to figure out what I was going to write about I cracked open a Canadian Art from 1984 and began looking at the advertisements for shows that

Upcoming Events April 1 to 7