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Events, Calls for Proposals

Humboldt’s Guide to the Galleries

By Humboldt Magnussen Looking at and appreciating art is not an exclusive club or even one you need an MFA and 60 thousand dollars of debt to enjoy.  If you are going to galleries for the first time in ages (or ever) it can be awkward, but like all new experiences half the battle is

Real Talk : Rejection

By Humboldt Magnussen When I was younger my oldest sister decided she wanted to become a model. She was 15 and I thought she had a good chance and I thought I knew what I was talking about given how much I learned about the modeling world from TV show America’s Next Top Model staring

Events for February 18 – 25, Plus Calls for Submissions

Events Feb 11 to 18 and Jobs

Art School – Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

By Humboldt Magnussen I keep on thinking about how long of a road is ahead of art students, considering that it takes four to five years for an undergraduate degree, and then the pressure will be on to go to grad school to complete an MFA for another two years. And then perhaps a PHD

Events Feb 4th to 11th + Call For Submissions