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Calls for Proposals, UPCOMING EVENTS

Xpace Opening This Friday

Hello as you may know Xpace Cultural Centre is having an opening this Friday from 7 to 11 for its November Exhibitions.  The space is being transformed with painted walls and burgundy cardboard hanging from the ceiling.  I have had a sneak peak of some of the work including a plaster sculpture (that blew my mind) by Jenine


This week Xpace is in installation mode so things are in transition as we get ready for the new round of exhibitions that will open on November 22nd. As the space is emptied of art from the last exhibition and getting some touch ups I’m reminded of how awesome of a space Xpace is, and

Event Listing, Calls, JOBS

Having an Art Attack

There are some great shows opening this week around the city including shows at both OCADU Student Gallery (this Thursday) and its Graduate Gallery (Friday). Friday is a great night to have a gallery crawl since there is also an opening at Cooper Cole and VideoFag that evening as well. Also the AGO is having