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Xpace/Images Festival Call for Submissions


Open call: Undergraduate and Graduate student artists working with the moving image and digital media.

Transcending Binaries.

Xpace/Images Festival is seeking proposals from student artists in the GTA working within digital media art. How does an artist explore the idea of a post-binary world within the confines of digital media – a medium that, at its most fundamental level, operates within a binary language (0’s and 1’s). What does it look like to operate in-between/outside of the “either/or”? Proposals should explore the capacity to transcend these binaries and to consider the occupation/creation of productive spaces where these transgressions may exist. Proposals are encouraged to be innovative and critical and to deal with these ideas both formally and conceptually.

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

–       video/installation

–       web-based or internet art

–       geo-mapping, bio-mapping

–       performance video, live performance

–       animation

–       interactive art

–       post-gender, post-binary fantasies

–       feminism, queer theory

–       identity politics

–       post-human, posthumanism

–       cybernetics

Electronic submissions only can be sent to:

Deadline: December 31st, 2013

Include in your submission:

•  images of the proposed work (or relevant work) or a link to a website and/or youtube/vimeo – MAXIMUM of 6 images (72dpi @ 768 x 1024)

•  description of the proposed work, including physical qualities, spatial and hanging needs, technical requirements, etc (max. 150 words)

•  brief artist statement and biography  (max. 200 words)

For additional information contact the curator of the project Adrienne Crossman:

Adrienne Crossman is an artist, educator and curator working in Toronto. A graduate of OCAD University, she holds a BFA in Integrated Media and a Minor in Digital and Media Studies. She has since completed residencies at Spark Contemporary Art Space in Syracuse, New York and La Baraque in Montréal, Quebec. She has previously worked at the artist run centres Vtape and Charles Street Video, and now works as a Class Assistant at OCAD University while continuing to develop her studio and curatorial practices.

Xpace Cultural Centre is a membership driven artist-run centre supported by the OCAD Student Union and dedicated to providing emerging and student artists with the opportunity to showcase their work in a professional setting. We program contemporary practices that respond to the interests and needs of our membership. As we program with shorter timelines this allows for us to respond to contemporary issues in theory and aesthetics, keeping an up to the minute response to what is going on directly in our community.

Established in 1987, the Images Festival is the largest festival in North America for experimental and independent moving image culture, showcasing the innovative edge of international contemporary media art both on and off the screen. Images has presented thousands of vanguard media-based projects in its 26-year history and is committed to an expanded concept of film and video practice: Alongside film and video screenings (ON SCREEN), the festival presents groundbreaking live performances (LIVE IMAGES), media art installations (OFF SCREEN) in local galleries and new media projects by many renowned Canadian and international artists. Images provides audiences with an annual extravaganza of contemporary moving image culture.